
  • Workshop 1 / WP-0021 May 27 (Mon) 13:00~16:00 / Room 211 Recent Advanced in 3D Printing and Bioprinting for Medical Applications
    • Organizer
      Roger Narayan
      UNC/NCSU Joint Department of Biomedical Engineering, USA
    • Chair
      Roger Narayan
      UNC/NCSU Joint Department of Biomedical Engineering, USA
    • Co-chair
      Jinah Jang
      Pohang University of Science and Technology, Korea, Republic of
    • Speaker
      Wei Sun
      Drexel University and Tsinghua University, China
      Presentation Title : Innovations in Bioprinting and Biofabrication Technologies
    • Speaker
      James Yoo
      Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine, USA
      Presentation Title : Novel Materials for Regenerative Medicine
    • Speaker
      Jinah Jang
      Pohang University of Science and Technology, Korea, Republic of
      Presentation Title : Translational Studies Involving 3D Printing and Bioprinting Technologies
    • Speaker
      Roger Narayan
      UNC/NCSU Joint Department of Biomedical Engineering, USA
      Presentation Title : Innovations in Photopolymerization-based 3D Printing and Bioprinting Technologies
    • Speaker
      Jinye Wang
      Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
      Presentation Title : A Water-responsive 4D Printing Ink Derived from Maize Protein Zein

    Industrial and academic researchers have recently examined the use of 3D printing and bioprinting technologies to overcome the limitations associated with conventional biomedical manufacturing processes. These technologies involve the processing of biomaterials into three-dimensional structures through the joining of materials in a layer-by-layer manner. This workshop will review recent developments in 3D printing and bioprinting technologies for processing biomaterials into artificial tissues as well as biosensors, drug delivery devices, and medical instruments. Several topics related to 3D printing and bioprinting, including the development of appropriate computer models, novel 3D printing and bioprinting technologies, and novel materials for use in 3D printing and bioprinting, will be discussed. This workshop will create collaboration among the many groups involved in the development and use of 3D printing and bioprinting technologies, including biomaterials scientists, medical device manufacturers, and clinicians. We anticipate that this workshop will facilitate future research activities, including industry-university collaborations, involving 3D printing and bioprinting of biomaterials for use in medicine, surgery, and dentistry. 
    The target audience will include: 
    - university-, government-, and industry-based biomaterial engineers
    - medical scientists
    - medical device manufacturers
    - equipment manufacturers
    - regulatory officials and administrators
    - clinicians

  • Workshop 2 / WP-0025 May 27 (Mon) 16:00~19:00 / Room 211 Biomaterials Science Excellence and Technology Translation
    • Organizer
      Bingyun Li
      West Virginia University School of Medicine, USA
    • Chair
      Jian Yang
      Westlake University, China
    • Co-chair
      Kelvin Yeung
      The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China
    • Speaker
      William Wagner
      University of Pittsburgh, USA
      Presentation Title : Developing biomaterials and scaffolds to meet distinct clinical needs
    • Speaker
      Guillermo Ameer
      Northwestern University, USA
      Presentation Title : Regenerative Biomaterials and medical devices: A new hope
    • Speaker
      Xuesi Chen
      University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
      Presentation Title : Biodegrade polymers and their biomedical applications
    • Speaker
      Shaoyi Jiang
      Cornell University, USA
      Presentation Title : Biomaterials beyond poly(ethylene glycol)

    Innovative biomaterial research and development have greatly improved the health and economy worldwide. The objective of this workshop is to host the biomaterial leaders to discuss the key elements en route to successful biomaterial technology translation with the participation of academic researchers, investors, industrial leaders, scientists, and students. The outcome is to a platform where biomaterial excellence finds its exit to technology translation and a networking opportunity to mingle with academic and industrial leaders in biomaterials. This workshop is relevant to the WBC topics including Biomaterials for industrial applications, Biomaterials enabling technologies, Biomaterials for pre-clinical and clinical translation, and Biomaterials for tissue engineering.

  • Workshop 3 / WP-0024 May 28 (Tue) 16:30~18:40 / Room 211 Explore a better future with advanced science and technology
    • Organizer
      Xing-Jie Liang
      National Center for Nanoscience and Technology of China, China
    • Chair
      Xing-Jie Liang
      National Center for Nanoscience and Technology of China, China
    • Co-chair
      Bingyang Shi
      Henan University, China
    • Speaker
      Kam Leong
      Columbia University, USA
      Presentation Title : Immunological modulation of Biomaterials
    • Speaker
      Juyong Yoon
      Ewha Womans University, Korea, Republic of
    • Speaker
      Guixue Wang
      Bioengineering College of Chongqing University, China
    • Speaker
      Hyung-Jun Im
      Seoul National University, Korea, Republic of
    • Speaker
      Dong Ma
      Jinan University, China

    Objectives or purposes
    Explore a better future with advanced science and technology
    Proposed program and target audience
    Include at least 4-5 wellknown scientists in the biomateials field, they have very excellent reputation and scientific credits internationally on the immunological regulation of biomaterials applied in clinic as scarfold. The targeted audiences are suitable for undergraduates or graduates and earlier careers of pricinpal investigators who are interested in the multiple functions of biocompatible materials applied in vivo for replacement of tissue or efficient treatment of maglinent tumors.
    Expected outcomes and relevance to the main topic of WBC 2024
    Wish this workshop as platform to attract more students and young scientists who are involved in the biomaterials practical transition for clinical applications, the audences will receive broader overview on the immunoligical outcome of Biomaterials how it works efficiently in vivo by a novel pathway. It will construct straight bridge to tight with main topic of WBC 2024 and broader the coverage of conference with additional mechanism and scientific direction of biomaterials.

Visitor Counter
  • Total 1,516,524
  • Today 1,251
  • This week 15,559


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